You started your business to make money. 

It wasn’t supposed to mean working 24/7 searching for clients. 

Now you’re ready to share your idea with the world. 

You’ve gotten advice from friends, coaches, heck, even Facebook Groups, and Pinterest boards. And now you have more questions than answers.

The good news is you don’t have to keep guessing or trying to DIY your marketing strategy piecing together free info. 

That Launch Girl Academy meets you where you are and provides step by step courses and support especially for you and your business.

Hi, I’m Kierra.

I’m just a girl sitting in front of a laptop dishing out some launch and business strategy.

But it wasn’t always this way.

I started my entrepreneurial journey as a virtual assistant. Before I came onboard, my clients were usually stressed and overwhelmed -- and I quickly realized my magic wasn’t just in the skills I could offer, but it was also in my presence.

Trust me, I know what it’s like to be so overwhelmed with client work that the last thing you have time to do is market your business online. But the bottom line is, leads and sales calls are the lifeline of a service-based business. If you are not booking a steady flow of calls, then you aren’t generating consistent revenue.

I was a service-based business owner struggling to get clients. Everyone I told me, “network in groups” but no one told me how. I fumbled around for months having no idea what to do until I felt so defeated that I was ready to quit my business and give up my dream.

Then I finally cracked the code to social media Networking and organic lead generation and implemented a strategy that resulted in rapid growth and a surge of in income.

I want to share what I learned with other solopreneurs and small business owners. So that's why I created "That Launch Girl Academy". I want to help you launch your way from unstuck to freedom!